📄️ Standard commands
Standard circuitscript commands to build circuits
📄️ Creating components
Creating schematic components with circuitscript
📄️ Component parameters
These parameters may determine the value of the component, whether the component is shown as placed or not placed, etc.
📄️ Component orientation
The orientation of the component is important for the visual organization of the circuit. A well-organized circuit improves the understanding of the overall circuit's function and purpose. Each component has an "angle" modifier that can be changed to set the component's orientation.
📄️ Nets and power symbols
A net consist of a group of connected component pins. In an ideal world, without lossy interconnects, these pins are electrically tied and have the same voltage.
📄️ Circuit paths
There are a few keywords that can be used to split off or connect multiple circuit paths. This is useful for building complex circuits.
📄️ Organizing with frames
📄️ Coordinate system
The coordinate system is based on the SVG specifications.
📄️ Modules and ports
A common method of organization circuits is to group circuits for a specific function within a module. This module can later be used in other larger circuits.
📄️ Flow control
The following flow control structures are supported within Circuitscript.
📄️ Sheets
The sheet keyword can be used to group circuits into different sheets based on standard paper sizes.
📄️ Output formats
The circuitscript command detects the output format based on the file extension of the output path.