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Flow control

The following flow control structures are supported within Circuitscript.

if .. else statement

An expression is evaluated and when it is true, the block within the if statement will be executed. Otherwise the block within the else statement will be executed.

Multiple if .. else can be defined to create a circuit graph based on different conditions.

Here is an example:

import lib

vcc = supply("VCC")
gnd = dgnd()

use_resistor = false

at vcc
wire down 100
wire right 200 down 100

if use_resistor:
add res(10k)
add cap(100n)

wire down 100
to gnd

wire down 100
add res(10k)

wire down 100
to gnd



while loop

An expression is evaluated and as long as it is true, the block within the while statement will be executed.

Here is an example:

import lib

vcc = supply("VCC")
gnd = dgnd()

at vcc
wire right 100

counter = 0
while counter < 5:
add led("yellow")
wire right 100
counter += 1

add res(10k)

wire right 100 down 100
to gnd


for .. in loop

Loop through each item of an array, or list of values/objects.

Here is an example:

import lib

vcc = supply("VCC")
gnd = dgnd()

at vcc
wire right 100

# Loop through an array of colors
for i in ["yellow", "red", "blue", "green", "purple"]:
add led(i)
wire right 100

add res(10k)

wire right 100 down 100
to gnd


Interrupting flow control


When this is used within a loop (while or for), it will stop further execution of the loop.


import lib

vcc = supply("VCC")
gnd = dgnd()

at vcc
wire right 100

counter = 0

# Loop through an array of colors
while true:
add led("yellow")
wire right 100
counter += 1

# once this condition is reached, then stop the loop
if counter > 4:

add res(10k)

wire right 100 down 100
to gnd


break within circuit paths

If break is used within a branch command, it will stop further execution within that branch and return to the original branch location.


When this is used, it will jump to the next iteration of the loop. Unlike the break keyword, this does not stop the loop completely.

import lib

vcc = supply("VCC")
gnd = dgnd()

at vcc
wire right 100

# Loop through an array of colors
for i in ["yellow", "red", "blue", "green", "purple"]:

# do not create red or green led!
if i == "red" || i == "green":

add led(i)
wire right 100

add res(10k)

wire right 100 down 100
to gnd
